Ambrus Kaposi

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Associate professor
Department of Programming Languages and Compilers
Faculty of Informatics
Eötvös Loránd University
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C
1117 Budapest

Room: 2-620 in the South Building (location of building, map of building). If the door in the corridor is locked, you can use the interphone next to the door to call my room.


Office hours (fogadóóra): Tuesday 15.00-16.00

Office phone: +36 1 3722500 / 8497


Teaching in 2024 Autumn semester at Eötvös Loránd University:

Older teaching materials:


Budapest type theory seminar once a week, very informal, everyone is welcome to join.

If you are interested in functional programming or type theory, the best way to learn and get involved is to go to one of the following excellent (summer) schools. Usually they have scholarships for student attendees.

If you want to do a research project (TDK), dissertation (diplomamunka), or PhD in type theory, please contact me. Here are some random topics and keywords, but you can also bring your own topic. Also look at the "further work" sections in the papers below and in the topics of type theory seminars.

Drafts and publications

All comments are very much welcome. Other lists: MTMT, dblp, Google Scholar. Some bibtex items.

Type theory in type theory with single substitutions
with Szumi Xie
Submitted to CPP 2025
Second-order generalised algebraic theories: signatures and first-order semantics
with Szumi Xie
FSCD 2024
implementation and detailed constructions
Formális nyelv = másodrendű algebrai elmélet (Hungarian)
Húszéves az ELTE Eötvös József Collegium Informatikai Műhelye, 2024
A filozófia csodálatos hatékonysága a formális tudományokban (Hungarian)
with Zoltán Molnár
Érintő Elektronikus Matematikai Lapok, Sep 2023
Internal parametricity, without an interval
with Thorsten Altenkirch, Yorgo Chamoun and Michael Shulman
POPL 2024
For the metatheory of type theory, internal sconing is enough
with Rafaël Bocquet and Christian Sattler
FSCD 2023
Combinatory logic and lambda calculus are equal, algebraically
with Thorsten Altenkirch, Artjoms Šinkarovs and Tamás Végh
FSCD 2023
The Münchhausen method in type theory
with Thorsten Altenkirch, Artjoms Šinkarovs and Tamás Végh
TYPES 2022 post-proceedings
source code and formalisation
Internal strict propositions using point-free equations
with István Donkó
TYPES 2021 post-proceedings
Relative induction principles for type theories
with Rafaël Bocquet and Christian Sattler
Feb 2021
A calculus of single substitutions for simple type theory
with Norbert Luksa
MACS 2020
Constructing a universe for the setoid model
with Thorsten Altenkirch, Simon Boulier, Christian Sattler, Filippo Sestini
FoSSaCS 2021
Large and Infinitary Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types
with András Kovács
LICS 2020
For finitary induction-induction, induction is enough
with András Kovács and Ambroise Lafont
TYPES 2019 post-proceedings
A Syntax for Mutual Inductive Families
with Jakob von Raumer
FSCD 2020
Shallow Embedding of Type Theory is Morally Correct
with András Kovács and Nicolai Kraus
MPC 2019
Gluing for type theory
with Simon Huber and Christian Sattler
FSCD 2019
Setoid type theory — a syntactic translation
with Thorsten Altenkirch, Simon Boulier and Nicolas Tabareau
MPC 2019
Signatures and Induction Principles for Higher Inductive-Inductive Types
with András Kovács
LMCS, 2020
Constructing Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types
with Thorsten Altenkirch and András Kovács
POPL 2019
A syntax for higher inductive-inductive types
with András Kovács
FSCD 2018, received Best Paper Award for Junior Researcher
Codes for quotient inductive-inductive types
with András Kovács
Draft, Oct 2017
A fröccs szintaxisa és operációs szemantikája
ELTE Fröccs Akadémia, 2017
Normalisation by Evaluation for Type Theory, in Type Theory
with Thorsten Altenkirch
LMCS, 2017
Type theory in a type theory with quotient inductive types
PhD thesis (type theory), date of defence: 24 Nov 2016
Advisor: Graham Hutton
Normalisation by Evaluation for Dependent Types
with Thorsten Altenkirch
FSCD 2016
Type Theory in Type Theory using Quotient Inductive Types
with Thorsten Altenkirch
POPL 2016
Towards a cubical type theory without an interval
with Thorsten Altenkirch
TYPES 2015 post-proceedings
Formalising the completeness theorem of classical propositional logic in Agda
with Leran Cai and Thorsten Altenkirch
Draft, Mar 2015
Free Applicative Functors
with Paolo Capriotti
MSFP 2014
Bevezetés a homotópia-típuselméletbe (Hungarian)
Tízéves az ELTE Eötvös József Collegium Informatikai Műhelye, 2014
First year report
An introduction to type theory with a notation using De Bruijn indices and explicit substitutions. Nov 2013.
Kinetikus áramlási citometriás mérések értékelése
PhD thesis (medicine), date of defence: 24 Jun 2013
Advisor: Barna Vásárhelyi
Analysis Software for FACS-measurements
BSc dissertation (szakdolgozat). May 2012


Internal relational parametricity, without an interval
TYPES, Copenhagen, 11 June 2024
Internal parametricity, without an interval
POPL, London, 19 Jan 2024
A type theory with internal parametricity
World logic day, Pécs, 12 Jan 2024
Neumann János doktori disszertációja
A gondolkodás architektúrái, Neumann 120 emlékév, ELTE, Budapest, 6 Sep 2023
Combinatory logic and lambda calculus are equal, algebraically
FSCD, Rome, 3 July 2023
Towards quotient inductive-inductive-recursive types
TYPES, Valencia, 13 June 2023
Neumann János doktori disszertációja
Neumann Nap, ELTE Informatikai Kar, Budapest, 11 May 2023
Why is equality interesting? (Second order generalised algebraic theories)
World logic day, Rényi Institute, Budapest, 13 Jan 2023
Type Theory in Type Theory using Quotient-Inductive-Inductive-Recursive Types
Types, Thorsten and Theories. A workshop on type theory in honour of Thorsten's 60th birthday, Nottingham and online, 12 Oct 2022
Towards Higher Observational Type Theory
TYPES, Nantes, 20 Jun 2022
A legegyszerűbb programozási nyelv
Kutatók Éjszakája, Budapest, 24 Sep 2021
Levels of abstraction when defining type theory in type theory
Celebrating 90 Years of Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems, Nürtingen, 6 Jul 2021
Quotient inductive-inductive types in the setoid model
TYPES, online (Leiden), 14 Jun 2021
Jobb programozási nyelvekkel a megbízható szoftverekért
3in projekt zárórendezvény, online, 26 Nov 2020
Quotient inductive-inductive types and higher friends
HoTTEST, online, 22 Oct 2020
Shallow embedding of type theory is morally correct
MPC, Porto, 8 Oct 2019
Quotient inductive-inductive types
STCS, Szombathely, 22 Feb 2019
Algebraic programming language theory
PLC Department Workshop, Bugyi, 11 Jan 2019
Induction-induction Part 3
TYPES, Braga, 21 Jun 2018
Specifying higher inductive-inductive types
Université de Nantes, 25 Apr 2018
A syntax for higher inductive-inductive types
Agda Implementors' Meeting, Budapest, 31 Jan 2018
A syntax for higher inductive-inductive types
EUTypes Working Meeting, Nijmegen, 23 Jan 2018
Bizonyítás és programozás
Pannonhalmi Bencés Gimnázium, 24 Nov 2017
Normalisation by Evaluation for a Type Theory with Large Elimination
TYPES, Budapest, 30 May 2017
Formalising the metatheory of type theory using quotient inductive types
FPFM, Nantes, 27 Apr 2017
Normalisation by evaluation for an intrinsic syntax of type theory
EUTypes Meeting, Ljubljana, 31 Jan 2017
Normalisation by Evaluation for Dependent Types
FSCD, Porto, 24 Jun 2016
Normalisation by Evaluation for Dependent Types
TYPES, Novi Sad, 25 May 2016
Type theory in type theory using quotient inductive types
Theoretical computer science seminar, University of Birmingham, 26 Feb 2016
Type Theory in Type Theory using Quotient Inductive Types
POPL, St Petersburg, Florida, 20 Jan 2016
A nominal syntax for internal parametricity
TYPES, Tallinn, 21 May 2015
Bevezetés a homotópia-típuselméletbe
Eötvös Kollégium, Budapest, 7 Jan 2015
Bizonyítás és programozás
Hackerspace, Budapest, 6 Jan 2015
A syntax for cubical type theory
with Thorsten Altenkirch
HoTT Workshop, Oxford, 8 Nov 2014
A syntax for cubical type theory
University of Bath, 4 Nov 2014
A syntax for cubical type theory
AIM XIX, Paris, 23 May 2014
Bevezetés a homotópia-típuselméletbe
Tízéves az ELTE Eötvös József Collegium Informatikai Műhelye Konferencia, Budapest, 21 Feb 2014

Map of ELTE Lágymányos buildings

3D maps of all ELTE buildings in Budapest. The source of the maps below is Gabeee's page, I fixed some errors.

South building

Address: Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C 1117 Budapest Hungary. Floors -1 (also called 00), 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. North is upwards.

North building

Address: Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A 1117 Budapest Hungary. Floors -1, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. North is downwards.


Nottingham FP Lab Away Day 2013